Gold Bangles

Gold BanglesWe see a huge amount of bangles coming through the doors here at ForgottenGold. These bangles were often sold as 9k gold and bought in good faith. When we test them, oftentimes we find they have no gold, or are just gold plated. (Meaning they can have anything from one fifth nine carat to one twentieth nine carat.)

Tell Tale Signs

We’re always happy to test bangles at ForgottenGold for gold content, but sometimes it can be easy to tell the gold content of your own bangles. Usually it will be printed on the inside of the bangle ‘1/5th 9k’ down to ‘1/20th 9k’.

The good news is that still pay out on these bangles, so it may well be worth your while sending it into us.

Request your free gold recycle pack here.

Mmmmmm Gold!

Apple in Gold HandIf this recession hasn’t got to you, then you might consider a new filling for your sandwiches: gold. Yes, pure gold is in fact edible. Gold leaf can be found in some liqueurs and drinks such as Goldschlager.

According to The Business Insider one Abu Dhabi hotel reportedly served 11 pounds of edible gold to its guests in 2008, running up a bill of nearly €400,000!

If you’re thinking of feasting on gold leaf, bear in mind that the current high price of gold might make abstainence a tastier option!

How To Price Gold

Maginfiying ManA lot of customers ask us how the price of gold is determined. We set our gold price twice daily, which we take from the London Bullion Market . The price on the gold market, like any commodity is arrived at by market factors (the more people who want gold, the higher the price.)  Many investors are viewing gold as a stable investment in a turbulent market, so the demand for gold has gone up, along with the price of gold.

So what does this mean for gold recycling? Well, it means that our customers will be paid more for their gold. We set our gold price twice daily, ensuring we give customers the fairest and most accountable price possible. The higher the gold price, the more money our customers receive for their gold.

There are three main factors that influence the gold price we pay to customers

  1. The current market price
  2. The purity
  3. The weight

To get started recycling your gold simply request a free gold recycle pack today.